Ubuntu LXC upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 for proxmox ve 7.0 compatibility Proxmox 7.0 relies upon cgroups v2 and certain older os's are not supported (Centos7,ubuntu 16.04/16.10) for more info see here [https://dereferer.me/?https%3A//pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Upgrade_from_6.x_to_7.0%23Old_Container_and_CGroupv2] Caveat, as is
Windows Upgrading a Windows 8.1 Virtual machine to Windows 10 in proxmox 4.1 When trying to upgrade a kvm virtual machine from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 my default virtual machine settings led to an error stating that the upgrade had failed. To fix this issue, I need to set cpu to core2duo and run the windows 10 upgrade again. After those